Author Archives: Script Consultant

Psychology of Facebook Likes

The Psychology of Facebook Likes [Detailed Guide]

Facebook is an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends, share photos and videos, and take quizzes…
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How to Find the Perfect Place to Write

How to Find the Perfect Place to Write: 5 Places that Increase Productivity

We all know that writing is an art. And like any other artist, sometimes you need to find the perfect place for inspiration…
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Why Are Videos Important In Your Content Marketing Strategy

Why Are Videos Important In Your Content Marketing Strategy?

Why are videos important in your content marketing strategy? This is the question that many business owners ask themselves when they are deciding…
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Common Content Marketing Terms

Breaking Down 4 Common Content Marketing Terms

Just as how every industry has its own terminology, similarly content marketing has its own set of jargon. Here at Script Consultants, we’ll…
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