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[/av_promobox] [av_textblock size=’18’ font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Table Of Content [/av_textblock] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’20’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ admin_preview_bg=”] [av_textblock size=’18’ font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Find out how to set up your Content Marketing metrics and achieve them.Publishing content without having any achievable Content Marketing Metrics is like trying to ride a bicycle without wheels. You will never know why your posts are a hit or a miss, nor will you be able to hammer out a more successful content marketing strategy.
So Script Consultants Singapore presents a handy guide to understand the Content Marketing Metrics that you can set up. These metrics let you plan achievable KPIs.
To begin, there are many online tools that let you capture valuable, quantifiable information. The world is at your fingertips when it comes to evaluating and understanding what makes your readers tick.
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Here Is A List of 5 Essential Metrics That Can Help You To Optimise Your Online Content Marketing Efforts
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This metric refers to the number of distinct users who visit your site for the very first time. This indicates the unique IP address of a visitor’s device. Unique visitors are only logged once, and repeat visits are uncounted.
However, a returning viewer might be registered as a new unique visitor when he/she uses another device to access your site. Nonetheless, this still helps in giving an idea about the approximate size of an audience and makes it an effective way to track a site’s popularity.
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2. Content Marketing Metrics 2: Page Views
This represents the total number of times any page on your site is accessed. If someone really likes a certain article and clicks back on the same link 10 times, that’s 10 page views. This metric is useful in tracking user loyalty, as fans of a particular site are more likely to click through different pages on a regular basis, thus generating more page views.
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3. Content Marketing Metrics 3: Average Time on Page
Simply put, it is the average amount of time that a user spends on a particular page. This metric can be used to determine the degree of actual interest that site visitors have for your content.
A longer average time is favourable and it is a sign that the user is paying attention to your content. However, if your average time hovers less than 10 seconds, it’s safe to say that maybe your page isn’t what the user is looking for. It is time for you to change the content of your pages.
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4. Content Marketing Metrics 4: Bounce Rate
Although the name ‘bounce rate’ might conjure a mental image of users literally jumping around on your site, its actual meaning is less cheerful. This term refers to the percentage of users who click onto a site, and then click away from the site without exploring other content. It gives an idea of the level of interaction between users and your site. The higher the bounce rate, the less interaction or interest users have about your page.
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5. Content Marketing Metrics 5: Pages per Visit
This term is pretty self-explanatory. ‘Pages per visit’ refers to the average number of pages that a unique user views on a single website. Generally speaking, the higher this metric is, the more likely your site is headed in the right direction. This is because it means that your users are compelled to access content on other pages.
Stay tuned for part 2 of this series for more content marketing metric tips!
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Final Words
We hope that you now have understood all the metrics related to content marketing and the importance of each.
So, make sure to include every metric while doing content marketing because without a proper content marketing campaign you cannot make your business a brand.
UPDATE: Once you are done reading this 1st part of understanding content marketing metrics, here is the 2nd part. Do give it a read to completely understand all metrics of content marketing so that you can create a perfect marketing campaign.
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